Hep hey, so once again your uncle travelling mack brings you news from his favourite corner of the Planet, making the world unsafe for god (and my dodgy alcohol stained memory) only knows which time...
Since i last bothered you guys with mails only slightly more useful than your average penis enchanting offers (or are they?), yours truly have payed a visit to the end of the world - you heard me, thanks to my unrivalIed intelligence, or perhaps the slightly more probable explanation, thanks to alcohol intoxication induced by Filipino rum, I managed to find an end on this planet everyone thinks is round - bullocks I tell you - bullocks!
It certainly feels that way when you're strapped to a toilet with diarrhea, on an island with fuck all to do but diving...
but nice things first, we travelled by pump boat one hour, then on the local bus, on road, which left more infamous potholed dirt tracks around the planet, very little to be desired. However it was rather nice to get off the beaten track and out into the real Philippines - poor but mindblowingly beautiful.
Anyway, after countless hour getting shakn' to the bone, Cambodia style, we got on a small boat that ferried us to a small island, rally nice, white sandy beach, rain forest in the middle, and no noises by the cicada's and waves rushing on to the shore, and as the sun set, hundreds of fireflies was illuminating the ancient rain forest, B E A U T I F U L !
Unfortunately, that was how much i got to enjoy, as monsoon rain, and severe stomach problems kicked into gear at the exactly same time, conspiring bastards! but all the same, considering this island, is smack in the middle of monsoon winds, we've been really lucky with the weather so far, so all the same. More worrying however was the fact that i was 6 hours from the nearest doctor, and displaying all the symptoms of dengue fever. As the boat that was to ferry us to the reef we were heading to dive was broken down, we headed back after two days
(and a miserable birthday, in company with a toilet which at this time had come a very close friend of mine)
when we got to the port city on our return leg, the surf looked like it would make any Hawaiian's mouth water and grasp for the nearest surfboard, which with our luggage unfortunately wasn't an option. after some looking around, and quite a bit of bargaining, we found a sailor, which, i trust, by mere coincidence looked very much like Buddha, and with his very little, rickety, but somehow charming boat - we threw ourselves into the waves - (since you are now reading these lines, and guess ill just have to drop the suspence and say that i survived)
so a couple of days of restitution awaits here on the resort, i am allready feeling better, after the family doctor (she sometimes come in handy my step mother) got me on a antibiotics treatment
Tthen we will head back to the Manilla meyhem!!! DADADAM!
catch you guys when i get home :-)
El Grande Mucho Stefano Con Patatas!
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